
SAN FRANCISCO - The Castro District, Gay Neighborhoods, California, USA, Travel, 4K UHD

SAN FRANCISCO - The Castro District, Gay Neighborhoods, California, USA, Travel, 4K UHD SAN FRANCISCO - The Castro District, The First Gay Neighborhoods in the United States, California, USA, Travel, 4K UHD
SAN FRANCISCO - 카스트로(The Castro), 미국 최초 동성애자 마을, 샌프란시스코, 캘리포니아, 미국, 여행, 거리풍경, 4K UHD

Videography by THE TABLE
Copyright ⓒ 2020 THE TABLE, All Rights Reserved.

The Castro District, commonly referred to as the Castro, is a neighborhood in Eureka Valley in San Francisco. The Castro was one of the first gay neighborhoods in the United States. Having transformed from a working-class neighborhood through the 1960s and , the Castro remains one of the most prominent symbols of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) activism and events in the world.
San Francisco's gay village is mostly concentrated in the business district that is located on Castro Street from Market Street to 19th Street. It extends down Market Street toward Church Street and on both sides of the Castro neighborhood from Church Street to Eureka Street. Although the greater gay community was, and is, concentrated in the Castro, many gay people live in the surrounding residential areas bordered by Corona Heights, the Mission District, Noe Valley, Twin Peaks, and Haight-Ashbury neighborhoods. Some consider it to include Duboce Triangle and Dolores Heights, which both have a strong LGBT presence.

Castro Street, which originates a few blocks north at the intersection of Divisadero and Waller Streets, runs south through Noe Valley, crossing the 24th Street business district and ending as a continuous street a few blocks farther south as it moves toward the Glen Park neighborhood. It reappears in several discontinuous sections before ultimately terminating at Chenery Street, in the heart of Glen Park.

SAN FRANCISCO,Castro,The Castro,District,Gay,Neighborhoods,California,United States,USA,Travel,4K,UHD,카스트로,미국,최초,동성애자,동성애,마을,샌프란시스코,캘리포니아,여행,거리풍경,THE TABLE,1960s,1970s,lesbian,symbols,gay,bisexual,transgender,activism,village,community,Haight-Ashbury,Dolores,

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