
China: Brit confined to apartment and garden as quarantine conditions worsen

China: Brit confined to apartment and garden as quarantine conditions worsen Subscribe to our channel!

UK national Charlie Parker, who chose to stay behind in the coronavirus epicentre of Wuhan in January instead of being evacuated, spoke about how conditions are worsening in footage shot on Thursday.

The city was put into lockdown on January 23, and now Charlie is only permitted to stay in his apartment or garden. "For the first few weeks we were allowed to go outside and do our own shopping, etc. But for the past week or so, now, we've not been allowed outside at all," he said of the conditions.

"The only way to get food is through deliveries, either supermarket deliveries or ordering Waimai [take away] deliveries, from convenience stores, which is a bit of a pain. Every day you have to wait online around 10pm [02:00GMT] in order to try and get a delivery slot for the next day. And by around 10:01pm, all the delivery slots are usually fully booked," he added about the situational difficulties he faces trying to obtain food.

He says he has not received any information about how long the situation is expected to continue, but there are "rumours of it being another month or another two months."

According to the latest reports by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), at least 82,000 people have been infected by the COVID-19 so far and over 2,800 people have died. There have currently been 2,641 deaths in the Hubei province.

Video ID: 20200227-044

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