
😄 Baby Shark Song | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs | Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo

😄 Baby Shark Song | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs | Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo Baby Shark Song | Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs | Baby Shark Doo Doo Doo

Hey Kids! Let's do the Baby Shark Dance along with Mike, Mia and little Johnny.

Baby shark, do do do do do do
Baby shark, do do do do do do
Baby shark, do do do do do do
Baby shark

Momma shark, do do do do do do
Momma shark, do do do do do do
Momma shark, do do do do do do
Momma shark

Daddy shark, do do do do do do
Daddy shark, do do do do do do
Daddy shark, do do do do do do
Daddy shark

Grandma shark, do do do do do do
Grandma shark, do do do do do do
Grandma shark, do do do do do do
Grandma shark

Going swimming, do do do do do do
Going swimming, do do do do do do
Going swimming, do do do do do do
Going swimming

Hunters a’coming, do do do do do do
Hunters a’coming, do do do do do do
Hunters a’coming, do do do do do do
Hunters a’coming

Swimming faster, do do do do do do
Swimming faster, do do do do do do
Swimming faster, do do do do do do
Swimming faster

We're safe, do do do do do do
We're safe, do do do do do do
We're safe, do do do do do do
We're safe.

This is the end, do do do do do do
This is the end, do do do do do do
This is the end, do do do do do do
This is the end.

#Kidsongs #Babysongs #NurseryRhymes

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