* The Program to Repair the Kidneys -
In today’s video: top 6 Anti-inflammatory foods good for kidney health
The 6 foods I’ll show you today are the best when it comes to fight the inflammation and improve your kidney #reversekidneydisease
Researchers are discovering more and more links between chronic diseases and inflammation.
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Did you know? Out-of-control inflammation can lead to obesity, heart disease, cancer and kidney disease.
And they are also low in sodium, potassium and phosphorus, #kidneyfoods
so you can add them to your #renaldiet without problems!
Disclaimer: seek appropriate professional advice before taking any action based on the info provided on this channel.
Today’s top 6 is going to be really interesting, we’ll tackle what’s studies are starting to outline as the underlying cause of major degenerative diseases: inflammation.
What is inflammation?
Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response; without it, we can't heal. But when it's out of control, it can contribute to serious health issues, including chronic conditions like #CKD. #kidneydisease.
Foods high in saturated fat and sugar can stimulate inflammation. #kidneyhealthtips
Excessive oxidation of fats and cholesterol creates molecules known as free radicals that can damage the cells of your organs, causing inflammation, chronic diseases and aging.
The good news is, there are foods that can actually curb inflammation. #kidneydamage
This is why adding the 6 kidney friendly foods I’ll show you today to your renal diet can help improving the health of your kidneys.
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I got asked this in comment section a lot of times. Can I eat this? Is that food good for me?
This is not an easy question to answer, since a lot of foods that are healthy if you’re in stage 3 can be dangerous when your ckd progresses and you get to stage 4 or 5.
Why? Due to the levels of sodium, phosphorus and potassium present in them.
So in today’s video I will be focusing on all those foods that are not just rich in anti-inflammatory compounds, but that are also suitable for patients in any stage of kidney disease.
So, if it’s in today’s video, you can eat it. #kidneyrepair
I will be as clear as possible and I will show you how much phosphorus, potassium and sodium is present in the foods I will be showing you.
Just remember that, before incorporating anything new in your renal diet, you should talk to your dietician or to your doctor.
Also Keep in mind that these anti-inflammatory rich foods are healthy for everyone.
Even for your family members and friends who do not have kidney disease or are not on dialysis.
When you stock your kitchen with delicious, healthy, kidney-friend foods… that’s one big step to help you do well on your kidney diet.
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