in this chapter jiddu Krishnamurti greatly recognized as most important spiritual teacher taught about before finding peace in world we must find peace within ourself.He says that NO spiritual path, leader, philosopher, and teacher will lead us in enlightenment. Jiddu Krishnamurti tells destruction and war between human beings will ultimately damage everyone and nature this is because of our attachment to the feeling of self and individual entity that breeds outcome like aggressiveness, greediness, competition and conflicts in human beings, consciousness of person is not individual but connected to all human beings which is known as ‘collective consciousness’. If a person thinks the perspective of human beings rather than individual then we all humans can work together in unity with compassion and empathy. Jiddu Krishnamurti explains why we are responsible for the war , crimes, rape all the negative or positive things that happen in the world.
this book is written at Jiddu Krishnamurti's suggestion and approval, all the chapters in this book are been recorded from talks and lectures that he given in different parts of the world. selection and orders of presentation and editing of these lectures are done by mary Luytens and foreword by David skit
Key points about topics that are covered –
1.man’s search
2.tortured mind
3.tradional approach
4.trap of respectability
5.humanbeing vs individual
6.basic nature of man
8.self transformation
9.dissapation(wasting) of energy
10.freedom from authority
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Background music by AShamaluevMusic - No Copyright Music
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