
RVS Mani on whether the 26|11 was a fixed match between the ISI and the UPA

RVS Mani on whether the 26|11 was a fixed match between the ISI and the UPA A must-see 2-part series of the lecture by R V Subramani (RVS Mani) who was the highest ranking govt. official in the Control room while the 26-11 was happening. Deliberate slow downs, mis-steps, mess-ups and more!
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PGurus,Dr. Subramanian Swamy,Prof. R Vaidyanathan,M R Venkatesh,Economy,S Gurumurthy,26/11 attacks,colonel purohit,Congress,congress role in 26/11,Constitution Club of India,Digvijay Singh,former Under Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs,Hindu Terror,Hindu Terror: Insider Account of Ministry of Home Affairs 2006-2010,Home Ministry,Malegaon Blast,New Delhi,RVS Mani,Sadhvi Pragya,VHS National Convention,Virat Hindustan Sangam,

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