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DON BOSCO SCHOOL aims at the all – round formation of the students. While students are helped to understand, appreciate and live their faith, every student receives training in habits of study, discipline, self-reliance and moral values so as to become worthy citizens of our country.
DON BOSCO SCHOOL, Khorhatoli, Kokar, Ranchi is an English Medium Catholic School for both boys and girls, owned and run by the Salesians of DON BOSCO of the province of New Delhi. It is an unaided minority Christian School open to all communities with a special responsibility for the education of Christians, tribals and the economically and socially weaker sections of society.
The Salesian Society of Don Bosco is a Christian religious society of the Catholic Church. It was founded by ST. JOHN BOSCO commonly known as DON BOSCO a priest, born in Turin, North Italy in 1815. He devoted his whole life to the education of youth from the poor and working classes. Today the Salesians of youth in numerous institutions scattered throughout the five continents of the world. Their schools and institutions in India, date from 1906.
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