Prank on My Best Friend | Nishu Tiwari | NNT
For business and collaboration DM - inishutiwari@gmail.com
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Content & Actor - Nishu Tiwari
Cinematographer - Abu Ashraf
Director and producer - Mayank Kaushik
For business and collaboration DM - inishutiwari@gmail.com
Video is made only for fun, enjoy the video and leave your comments in comment box. And like ,share and subscribe our channel for more funny prank videos and comedy prank videos.
✔️important NOTICE :Permission has been taken from all the people shown in this video before publishing video.
✔️Tags:- Nishu tiwari prank,prank gone wrong,prank,prank in India 2019,prank,prank in 2019,best girl prank,best prank in public,prank,fuuny,laugh,prank on cute girls,,gold digger girl,comedy,nishu new prank,prank on cute boys, gold digger prank,prank on friend
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