
Is corporate welfare worth it? (1995) | THINK TANK

Is corporate welfare worth it? (1995) | THINK TANK Original air date: October 25, 1995

The new Congress is trying to cut the budget, and some observers are saying that if the budget cutters are really serious, they must cut welfare-corporate welfare.

Ben Wattenberg — senior fellow, American Enterprise Institute

Kenneth Flamm — Department of Defense, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution
Lawrence Chimerine — chief economist at the Economic Strategy Institute
Robert Shapiro — director of economic studies at the Progressive Policy Institute
Stephen Moore — director of fiscal studies at the Cato Institute, co-author of Ending Corporate Welfare as We Know It

"Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg" was a discussion program that aired on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) from 1994 to 2009, hosted by AEI Senior Fellow Ben Wattenberg. AEI offers uncut episodes of "Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg" as an academic resource that shows how American political thought has evolved on some issues and stayed the same on others.

"Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg" is licensed to AEI by Grace Creek Media, the successor of New River Media and BJW, Inc. "Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg" © Grace Creek Media
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#aei #news #politics #government #education #cronyism #corporation #business

AEI,American Enterprise Institute,politics,news,education,corporation,crony capitalism,congress,corporate welfare,cronyism,

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