
Setting the strategic direction of higher education in Pakistan

Setting the strategic direction of higher education in  Pakistan Off late, a new debate in the academic circles has been triggeredat the national level in the country. This discourse is all about BS versus PhD programs. Some consider this as a debate about the preeminence of graduate-level education versus postgraduate level programs. To me, it is more about teaching vs. research universities.

While. Henry J. Eyring an American academic administrator and a renowned author is of the view, “Change is coming. The human tendency is to resist change,but in higher education, that resistance is based on a faith in atradition that has been powerfully effective-and will continue to befor somepurposes. But times have changed, andwe do see the need for change. We’vetried to frame the debate in a productiveway, where we are asking, first, whatneeds to change and what are the verypowerful elements of the system that weshouldn’t let go of.”

higher educationin Pakistan,BS versus PhD programs.,graduate-level education versus postgraduate level programs,. teaching vs. research universities.,While. Henry J. Eyring an American academic administrator and a renowned author,theoretical framework ofEyring,Change is inevitable.,Thoughtfully consider what needs to change The positivesmust remain intact.,Putting the new debate in perspective.,Dr. Tariq Banuri,the incumbent HEC chairman,HEC Dr. Atta-ur-Rehman,

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