
Allies of Humanity Book Two | Briefing 2 Why the Intervention is Occurring

Allies of Humanity Book Two | Briefing 2 Why the Intervention is Occurring "You may well ask at the outset, “Why is our world being visited? Why is there an Intervention?” There are several answers to this fundamental question, some of which are very obvious, and some of which are not.

Obviously, this is a beautiful world with great biological diversity. It is a world that has not been destroyed through exploitation, though it is in danger of being so. It is a world that contains immense biological resources, life-giving resources, resources that are rare and difficult to find in a Greater Community of barren worlds. You, of course, do not yet realize the value of your own world. Having never lived abroad, you cannot yet appreciate the marvel of the world that you live in and why it is so valuable to others. But consider this: You live in a world with a remarkably temperate environment and tremendous biological beauty and diversity. You live in a world that has enormous water resources. You live in a world that has large tracts of habitable land for those races that can breathe your atmosphere. You have a world now that has a human presence and infrastructure that can be incorporated into foreign technologies. You have a race of people who are intelligent, although superstitious and ignorant of life in the universe, thus making them malleable and susceptible to persuasion and inducement. You have a virtual paradise. This is how your world is perceived."
The Allies of Humanity is being presented to prepare people for a whole new reality that is largely hidden and unrecognized in the world today. It provides a new perspective that empowers people to face the greatest challenge and opportunity that we, as a race, have ever encountered.

The purpose of the Allies Briefings is not to provide hard evidence about the reality of the ET visitation to our world, which is already well documented in many other fine books and research journals on the subject. The purpose of the Allies Briefings is to address the dramatic and far-reaching implications of this phenomenon, to challenge our human tendencies and assumptions regarding it and to alert the human family to the great threshold we now face. Though these Briefings provide an urgent message, they are also about moving towards a higher consciousness called “Knowledge”, which includes a greater telepathic facility among people and between races.

Therefore, to receive what these Briefings have to offer requires that you suspend, for a moment at least, many of the beliefs, assumptions and questions that you may have about extraterrestrial Contact and even about how these Briefings were received. The contents of these Briefings are like a message in a bottle sent here from beyond the world. Thus, we should not be so concerned about the bottle but about the message itself.

This is the Second Briefing of Book Two from the Allies of Humanity, received by Marshall Vian Summers.

Full text is available at

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