
Manifest ethical and sustainable clothes

Manifest ethical and sustainable clothes To understand more abt this topic:

Kristen Leo
Fast fashion explained under 5 mins:
Fashion brands that use sweatshops to make your clothes:

Justin Leconte officiel
The fast fashion trap & how to escape:

The true cost official trailer:

You can read the affirmations here:

Or read the benefits below.

°mini booster
°engage with slow fashion/ethical and sustainable fashion
°be stylish and fashionable
°have good fashion sense
°dress yourself well
°It is easy for you to live an ethical, sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle
°absolutely immune to advertisements and commercials(most ads manipulate ppl into thinking that buying things will help fulfill psychological needs. Watch these vids to understand more abt it:

°you are enough. You are good enough. You are beautiful. You are wonderful just the way you are. You are happy, content and grateful for all the good in your life. You love and accept yourself. You are kind and gentle to yourself. You are worthy of love and happiness. Everyone respects, loves and accepts you.
°easily and effortlessly manifest ethical and sustainable clothes, outfits and accessories that you like
°Ur desired ethical and sustainable clothes, outfits and accessories always come to u
°attract and manifest ur ideal ethical and sustainable clothes, outfits and accessories
°get ideal ethical and sustainable clothes and accessories for free/an extremely cheap price
°It is easy for u to buy affordable, ethical and sustainable clothes and accessories(for ppl who can't buy ethical clothes becuz of location/financial situation)
°There are many/more and more ethical and sustainable stores near u/in ur country
°There are many/more and more humane, virtuous, eco-friendly, ethical and sustainable brands and companies
°There are many/more and more ethical and sustainable online stores that ship their products to ur country
°There are many/more and more thrift stores near me that sell cheap, clean, hygienic and high quality clothes
°get clean, hygienic, high quality,  ethical and sustainable clothes for free
°All companies and businesses are truly becoming more and more humane, virtuous, ethical, sustainable and eco-friendly
°u r so happy and grateful that money comes to u in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis.
°u constantly and continuously attract and manifest abundance positively.
°The world is becoming a better place
°The world is completely free of pollution
°Scientists, governments and organisations have reversed and cleared pollution completely
°The earth is completely clean and unpolluted
°All governments are completely free of corruption and evil intentions
°All governments ensure everyone's rights, freedom, privacy, health, safety and well-being
°Everyone's rights, freedom, health, well-being, privacy, and safety are ensured

Good luckπŸ€

Subliminal,Sustainable fashion subliminal,Ethical fashion,Sustainable fashion,Luminal,

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