
Night Heron Juveniles Fiddle with Twigs in a Pond at Dusk

Night Heron Juveniles Fiddle with Twigs in a Pond at Dusk A flock of juvenile black-crowned night herons (aka black-capped night heron; Nycticorax nycticorax, family Ardeidae) was found gathering together at the shore of a pond at dusk. Some playful juveniles tirelessly picked up a twig (or a floating debris) and dropped it into the pond. They probably practiced catching fish (and aquatic insects). Captured at dusk (around 18:00 PM) of early-September 2019 in Japan. The sunset time was 18:02 PM.

For a full story (text in Japanese);

ゴイサギ,サギ科,野鳥,night heron,Nycticorax nycticorax,bird,幼鳥,遊び,捕食,溜池,群れ,練習,play,catch,pond,practice,fishing,twig,flock,

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