I believe it’s important to recognise that you are already enough. The secret is to remember that part of yourself that is already there- in Sanskrit they call this Smarana. Coming home to yourself. Deep within each & everyone of us there is a wisdom residing within, waiting calmly & patiently to be remembered.
Setting intentions we can paint a bigger picture. Go beyond trying to fix or change ourselves & look at the intention behind the goals we set. What is the root of the reason why I want to make a change in my life? What is missing in my life? This way we can set healthy constructive goals that unpick the habits or thought patterns & help us create lifestyle changes that stick. I share my top tips for setting goals & healthy intentions that shapes a new perspective to find a way of living that is full & nourishing.
To join my classes in Bristol or hear about upcoming workshops/retreats follow me on Instagram at @anzahatayoga or visit my site www.anzahatayoga.com.
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