
People Transform Business Help People Help Themselves

People Transform Business Help People Help Themselves It is people who transform business. Help the people to help themselves so that an emergent behaviour is formed of empowered individuals who champion the change. Adaptiveness, responsiveness, and resilience are developed to manage the transformation of knowledge workers.

This book offers a hands-on approach to preparing for and managing the impact of technology on our businesses and our society. By combining strategy and leadership to influence the environment, instil behaviours, and strengthen skills, a business can become adaptive and responsive for management in an environment of uncertainty.

Sherringham K., and Unhelkar, B. (2020) Crafting and Shaping Knowledge Worker Services in the Information Economy. Palgrave Macmillan Singapore. The PDF is at: or

Business Transformation,Capacity,Capability,Skilling,Training,People,

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