Leyla is hungry, she come to me and sit still on my leg for food. I try to show her my bag that there is no more food for her. Leyla does not believe until i show her a bottle of medicine. Leyla scare and walk away.
+ Carzilla Group
- Balu become new king in Carbzilla group
- Fluffy just lost power half 2019
- Tomson is very old male
- Barnum (Hybrid)adult male son of Bella,
- Kiko adult male son of Aliza,
- Jollirol is Alpha female :Tara (F)
- Tara have Chris (M) she lost one daughter 2019,
- Big Bertha have Ginger (F) and Gino (M),
- Brinn missing one daughter Bree
- Peggy : old female have Leyla (F)
- Leyla : have daughter Lola but stay at WLA,
- Connie :have son Chikis but missing 2019
- Maddie : have Malo (M)
- Surmara : old female have Amara (F),
- Patty : Orphan monkey (her mom Grace and sister Emma missing end 2018),
- Bella : Pigtail have one son Barnum,
- Ella : Pigtail have one daughter Belley,
* 2 female monkey left the group
- Aliza : old female have Kiko (M)
- Cruella :
Total monkey in Carbzilla group only:24
PS: Dear all subscribers, please be remind that since February 2019, the "Comment" on my channel has been blocked by Youtube. Please do not misunderstanding, i always welcome for all comments and get in touch with my supporters. Unfortunately, my request to Youtube to get my Comment back was no success. Any concerns/questions, please contact me directly via my facebook account@Song Mara. Thank you
Thank you very much for watching and subscribe for more,
Nature Monkey
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