
I Relied on Instant Gratification

I Relied on Instant Gratification “Instant gratification can be defined as engaging in things that bring you short-term benefits while disregarding your long-term goals.” - Anonymous

How often do you think about the short-term gain, and forget the long-term pain?

Quite some time ago, my ex-husband and I broke up.

I felt so f**king empty….

It was probably one of the lowest times of my life.

Wanting to FEEL again, I was constantly searching for little hits of gratification.

I would mindlessly and aimlessly spend money on expensive sh*t, I would drink copious amounts of alcohol and take drugs to numb the pain...only to leave me feeling more depressed which then kickstarted the cycle again.

I was ignoring the issue. It was deep deep deep down, and so scary to face.

Superficial and materialistic things hid it only for so long.

Until I pulled my f**king head in, decided enough was enough and I was ready to put my big girl pants on.

I shifted the focus from the outside, and looked at what healing I needed to do on the inside.

Don’t get me was a MASSIVE process to pull myself out of that hole.

But cr*p am I grateful for it.

My life honestly has NEVER been better.

That time in my life certainly happened for a reason.

It taught me how to be resilient.

It taught me how to take responsibility.

It taught me how to be strong mentally.

If this sounds like you at all.

If you RELY on alcohol as a crutch.

If you RELY on food as a crutch.

If you RELY on materialistic things to make you feel better…

Ask that instant gratification actually addressing the underlying issue?

If you answered no or hesitated...perhaps it’s time to actually sit in your pain rather than running or trying to numb it, because you really do deserve better. Winatlife is so much more than just training and nutrition. It’s about taking ownership of your body and health, about facing your fears and living your best life.

When you are ready to take action, grab a spot in our latest 4-week Break Free Challenge and get an introduction to the WinAtLife method. Not only do you get access to myself, Craig and our team of coaches, nutrition coaching, meal plan coaching, customised training programs and technique coaching but there's also $5000 worth of prizes up for grabs including a 12 month VIP membership to the WinAtLife program.

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