Self-cleaning of the body includes both consumption as food the currently unused cells of the body, and autophagy inside the cells of the currently mutated and wrongly folded proteins, defective organeles, and other garbage. The accumulation of debris in the cells leads to interruptions and errors in the functioning of the cells and organs of the body, to diseases, and to premature death. To initiate the Self-Cleaning, aka Autophagy, process, the necessary conditions are the exhaustion of energy reserves in the body, lack of supply of nutrients from outside the body, intense physical exercise, as well as some medications and supplements. In particular, Metformin helps initiate the Autophagy process. And also those fats and oils that contain oleic acid. This is primarily cold-pressed olive oil, and some animal fats in small quantities. In particular, cow butter, Tallow and Lard. Apparently, the Ketogenic diet, Metformin intake, intense physical exercise, especially High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Intermediate Fasting (IF) with intervals between meals longer than 16 hours - contribute to the Autophagy.
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