
What's In, What's Out - Mountain Biking in 2020

What's In, What's Out - Mountain Biking in 2020 Vital MTB is excited to launch their annual What’s In, What’s Out for Mountain Biking in the year 2020, list. Vital’s editors have comprised this prognosticating pile of putrescence for a number of years and are proud to carry on the tradition once again.

Please heed this trigger warning as e-bikers, haters of e-bikes, enduro riders, trail riders, plus-sized tire fans, downcountry fanatics, mixed wheelsize aficionados, internet freeriders, budding social media stars, YouTube vloggers and single or DINK mid-life-crisis males in their upper 40’s may find some of the material in this video distressing.

We’re offering a safe space for anyone who may feel uncomfortable about the existence of this video. Directions to the safe space here -

If this video bores or annoys you while not causing you anxiety, Vital RAW footage is being provided throughout the duration of the video to keep any real mountain bikers watching entertained.

mountain bike,mountain biking,mtb,bike,downhill,freeride,cycling,trails,

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