
Movement of Life, danced and founded by Armelle Six

Movement of Life, danced and founded by Armelle Six In this video, I perform a moment of Movement of Life, an energy movement, a deep meditative dance, inviting you just to listen to how the body wants to move, to listen to the natural movement of life within you and to move from there.
Coming back to this natural movement, is coming back to alignment with Being and therefore realigning all levels of being - physical (releasing pain), emotional (moving stuck emotions), psychological (releasing trauma, getting out of depression, burn out, brain frog.., and spiritual (connecting with Self, your true nature, your essence, presence..).
It's a very deep and soft transformational tool, helping you connecting with the life force within you, connecting to a joy and a peace for no reason, feeling more alive, feeling completely free to be yourself and releasing inner blocks, limiting believes and conditioning.

If you want a big change in your life, and just like me you don't think that life has to be hard in ordre for change to happen but it can happen with joy and softness, come to a workshop and experience Movement of Life !

I wasn't always like I am today, I didn't know that there was a peace, a joy and a happiness that has no reason, no cause, that is always there, right within us, that no one can ever take away! That is our true nature and our birth right to every humain being.
And my purpose in life is to meet as many human being as I can and have them wake up to that, to what they are, and live what is their birth right!

To know more about who I am and where we can meet, check my website!

armelle six,movement of life,movement,spontaneous dance,meditation,yoga,mindfulness,tony robbins,change your mind,awakening,wake up,life,alive,depression,burn out,suffering,healing,medicine,trauma,alignment,

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