
Deacon Larry McDonald Proclaims The Holy Innocents With Wisdom About God And Earthly Authority

Deacon Larry McDonald Proclaims The Holy Innocents With Wisdom About God And Earthly Authority Deacon Larry McDonald delivers a homily today, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, that proclaims the Gospel message and is permeated with spiritual insight regarding authority.

Focusing on the Gospel, Deacon Larry shares with the faithful the way in which King Herod used his authority in a self-serving and ruthless manner. Deacon Larry explains that King Herod did not understand the source of his authority and the way in which it was to be administered. The purpose of authority is to govern for the good of those being governed, observes Deacon Larry.

Deacon Larry shares with the faithful the way in which our Blessed Lord, Jesus Christ, administered authority, which was always with unconditional love, with everyone, especially with children. Unconditional love is the exact opposite of how King Herod used authority in the Gospel reading, by ordering "the massacre of all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity two years old and under" with the intention of killing the newborn King, the Christ Child. All those infants, two years old and under, that were martyred by order of King Herod entered the glory of Heaven as the "Holy Innocents."

Deacon Larry exhorts the faithful to see the source of authority which is God. It is God's authority to give. Those who are given authority are called to administer authority in accordance with God's wishes, to nurture and protect. The focus of authority, Deacon Larry proclaims, is not on personal gain, but rather on the needs of those being served.

In conclusion, Deacon Larry invites the faithful to see God's authority over people, situations, and events, for the good of His Kingdom, in religious and civil life, as well as family and community life.

"If we use our authority well, in administering love and care, we can look forward to the words, 'Well done my good and faithful servant.'" - Deacon Larry McDonald

Deacon Larry McDonald,Deacon Larry McDonald Sacred Heart Church,Deacon Larry McDonald Feast of the Holy Innocents,Deacon Larry God and Authority,Deacon Larry palm desert,

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