Dropshipping is a business model that allows you to sell physical products with out owning them or without ever touching the real product.
You don’t need to produce anything; you don’t need an inventory and most importantly anyone can start this million-dollar business with less than 70 dollar investment!
And, this is why dropshipping is the very beginner-friendly profitable business model of the time- that is being popular day by day.
Now – let me explain how dropshipping work:
We are going to find and select products from Aliexpress, which is an eCommerce marketplace where millions of products are being sold by the suppliers directly. And, as we are going to purchase the products directly from the suppliers – we will get good quality products at a very cheap price.
Let me show you an example:
When we are seeing this exact looking neckless on AliExpress with the price tag of less than $5, on Amazon the same neckless is priced by a seller with a $25 us dollars price tag.
So there is a 20 dollar pricing gap for this exact neckless between Aliexpress and Amazon!
So if we place this neckless with the price tag of $18-20 us dollars on our Shopify store, it will be much cheaper than Amazon!
Customers will find our listing as reasonable to purchase form, we will generate orders on our website, we will straightly go to Aliexpress and place the order there by giving our customers information in the shipping address field.
Then, we have to let our supplier know it is a drop-shipping order, not to add the money receipt or pricing info and we can also request our supplier to use our business level to do the brandings for us, and they will be happy to do so, as they are generating revenues too 😊
And, this is the process that we will repeat, and we will keep the change in between the original product purchasing price $5 and the selling price of $20 us dollars.
So, now – you might be going to ask – cant the customer go directly on Aliexpress to order this product at the cheap price?
The answer is – yes, they can. But, 98% of peoples don’t even know about Aliexpress and they have no idea about the dropshipping thing which exists in the online world!
If this business model sounds interesting to you,
You might be going to ask – if it is possible to do dropshipping from any country even like – from Asia or Africa?
And the answer is – Yes, you just need a computer with an internet connection.
Here is one important thing, to become successful with Dropshipping, you have to Sell products which peoples are passionate about, and if you are selecting a product which is a need of peoples, then the product should be unique.
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