
These Unusual Foreign Traditions Will Make You Say Wow!

These Unusual Foreign Traditions Will Make You Say Wow! Have you ever heard of a foreign tradition that seemed totally weird to you?

Our world has a variety of unique customs and traditions, that are common in some places and seem really strange in others.

For example, women born as Mangliks (an astrological combination when Mars and Saturn are both under the 7th house) are thought to be cursed and likely to cause their husband an early death. In order to ward of this curse they must be married first…to a tree. The tree is then destroyed and the curse is broken.

Would you like to know other unusual customs and traditions from across the globe? Then watch this video till the end!

Some women in India marry trees 0:53
Sundanese people in Indonesia sometimes use banana leaves instead of plates 2:02
There is a cult of live Kumari goddesses in Nepal and it is made up of little girls 2:44
People in Israel build temporary dwellings called sukkahs in order to live there during the celebration of Sukkot 3:41
Newborn babies in South Korea are considered to be one year old 4:23
A metro passes through a block of apartments in China 5:17
Fast food restaurants in the Philippines sell huge portions 5:54
A whole family can fit on one motorcycle in Pakistan 6:32
Egyptians have a completely different concept of traffic rules 7:02
People in Italy arrange battles of oranges 7:35
Residents of Great Britain need to buy a separate TV license for each TV set at home 8:37
There is a church tax in Germany 9:32
People in Australia are fined for not voting 10:29
In Canada, milk is sold in transparent plastic bags 11:07
There are a group of female wrestlers that wear colorful clothes in Bolivia 11:32
There is a special ’instrument of education’ called la chancla that moms in Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries use 12:35

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