
Proof our Loved One's Spirit is With Us

Proof our Loved One's Spirit is With Us November 13, 2019... my Dad visited me. It was 2:15 a.m. and I was getting ready for bed. I inherited my night owl habits from my Dad. We'd watch old movies until 4:00 a.m. when I was in high school. And it never changed.

Dad died this year. At the age of 98. He was happy until the day he died. He appreciated every moment he was alive.

The night before this video was taken, November 12, 2019, I was at my mom's house and we she mentioned that her memory wasn't what it used to be. I downplayed it with a truthful story.

Well mom...I said. I still can't find that 200 dollars I put away a year ago for Molly (my daughter in law.). I hid it somewhere in the apartment and I have been looking for it for the last year.

We giggled and home I went.

The next day... I had a normal day. Put my hormones on like I always do... twice a day. Had my normal routine with face cleaning, teeth brushing, skin care, and hormone application that morning. And then the day was busy as usual. I was finally ready to go to bed at 2:15 in the early morning.

David was already asleep.

I went into the bathroom to get ready. First comes my hormone cream because I like to give it a little time to absorb in. Then usually comes my face and teeth. But this time... it all stopped dead in it's track. My hormones weren't applied. My face wasn't washed. I'm not even sure I brushed my teeth.

This video is an impromptu video that I took as it came over me that I was being visited by my dad. Right then. Not only did this video prove to me that my dad is here... but that also, my dad was with me and my mom the night before at their house... and that he hears us.

It also proved to me that though it is probably not easy, Spirits of our loved ones can traverse dimensions of the Universe - and... as hard as this might be to believe... spirits can move things.

Within minutes of this video, I was sure.... I knew my Dad was there. But... I had to eliminate all other possibilities! I woke David and asked him... Did HE put my lost money there? He swore to me he knew nothing about it. He was discombobulated from waking him from a deep sleep.

I couldn't sleep that night. I cried and cried.

David woke about 7 a.m. and came out to the living room where I was, tired with swollen eyes - but happier than I believe I have ever been. The very second I saw David come around the corner, I started sobbing. He was shocked and worried and tried to make out what I was crying.

"I swear honey, Dad was here last night. I swear" I kept crying.

David listened and said... "Honey... maybe the cleaning girl found your money and put it there."

"But how? It's been 2 weeks since she was here! I use that very spot twice a day! How could I have missed it for 2 weeks?" I kept saying. "Please call her honey. Please call her right now!"

He did. She knew NOTHING of any money. Had found nothing and had moved nothing.

For a year that 200 dollars had been missing. I put it somewhere for safekeeping to give to my daughter in law for a Christmas gift I wanted her to have only for herself instead of the kids. But when it came time for me to make a gift out of the money LAST YEAR (2018) for her... I couldn't find the money anywhere!

I checked everywhere. Every pants pocket, Every sock. Every jacket. Everywhere I had hidden money in the past. Nothing. So I just had to forget about it. I hoped it would show up one day.

Well it did. My dad was with me and my mom the night before and heard me say I had still not recalled or located what I had done with that money for Molly. And he simply came to my apartment the next night... sometime between noon and 2:15 a.m. the next day... after I had already done my morning routine... and had the money somehow placed in full functioning view right next to my hormones and mouthwash, gloves and everything else I use on a daily basis.

I couldn't wait to get to my mom's house that morning. I ran over there and cried so hard and for so long with my mom.

Our loved ones are here Ladies. I don't know why my dad came that night in particular... except to tell me I he was here and to make sure mom knows too.

It's taken me 5 weeks to share this with you guys. thats a long time for me. Usually I'm an open book. But this is like no other experience I have ever had. I'm so glad. I'm so happy.

I have wondered about Dr. Alexander... the neurosurgeon who had a near death experience and has devoted his life since to sharing his experience... as to whether or not he was just in some weird chemical imbalance while he was dying.

But now... I believe him.

We're so much. We're so everything.

This life... on earth... is to live without fear. To live with total trust that after we're gone... our spirit is free and capable of being everywhere and doing anything.

May you find this powerful and meaningful.

Love, Dr. Karen

Life after death,Spirits Visit,There is nothing to fear,Dr Karen,Dr Leggett,Women's Midlife Specialist,I believe,Leggett Medical Group,

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