
Increase your value by enriching your life through Tapas

Increase your value by enriching your life through Tapas Nayam atma balheenena labhya: A weak person cannot excel in life. If I am physically and mentally weak, I cannot accomplish the tasks in life. To achieve great things in life we need to be bubbling with energy.. People recognise high achievers. If I am commoner, I cannot hope to get an audience with the head of the country. Whereas, if I am a great achiever, my contributions will be recognised, and I can get an audience easily.

Yoga means uplifting myself so that that I am fit enough to face the higher things in life. When effort is there we get all the support from higher up which we call it as Grace. Tapas is nothing but an enrichment process. In a gold mine from about 10 tons of gold ore we get one ounce of gold. Generally, we are very diluted in life. Our focus in life is diluted. Our values in life is diluted. Our goal in life is diluted. This way of living no one appreciates us. From 10 tons of gold ore if I loose 1 truck load of ore no one is bothered. But when we enrich ourselves through tapas and get gold out of gold ore, everyone like us. Everyone wants our company and our value goes up in the society. As our value goes up joy in life also increases.

To get to gold we need tapas- a sustained endurance to is required. Giving an example of mine site, iron ore has about 50% of iron. With a bit of effort we can get iron but its value is very low n the market. Generally, people who do sadhana get satisfied with low hanging fruits by trivial success like name, fame, good house, money etc. But we sadhakas, we need to mine hard, dig deep in the heart to find the gold. It is said a rare few who find the light in the heart appears in a golden colour.

Vasudeva Kriya Yoga,Amruta Yoga Kendra,Rajendra Damodara Yenkannamoole,Tapas,Gold mind,Sadhana,Shri Krishna,Bhagavad Gita,

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