Hi, guys. My name is Monica, and I found out the truth about my father. will not believe what just happened. Since my when I was a baby, my father married a woman named Jesse. Although my stepmother was a beautiful, smart, and kind woman, I always had the feeling that my father never loved her. They kept arguing because Jesse was asking my father for more love and attention. But for some unknown reason, they would always reconcile and stay together. As time went on, their feuds became more frequent. My stepmother started to get more nervous. Not receiving love from my father, she poured out her anger on me. She kept shouting at me, punishing me even though I wasn’t guilty, and locking me in my room. I started to hate Jesse. So I decided to help my father get a divorce without him knowing. I tried everything to separate them. One day, when my father returned from a business celebration, I took the shirt that he was wearing, put lipstick on, and pressed my lips to the shirt’s collar. I thought Jesse would leave my father if she found out he had cheated on her. But my father convinced his wife that he was with his colleague all the time, which Jack, his business partner, confirmed. The next day, I put lots of pepper in the lunch that Jesse had prepared, hoping it would be the trigger for my father to divorce. But my dad just thanked his wife for making her lunch and for taking care of both of us, even though his face was glowing red. I was desperate as fuck. Although my parents kept arguing, it seemed that they would never divorce. I complained to my best friend Mark, whom I met while he was still Mary. Mark was born as a girl, but he never felt that way. When he confessed to his parents that he would like to become male, Mark began the process of transformation. It never bothered me, and I accepted Mark as he is. While we were sitting in my room, I was thinking of what could separate my parents. I needed something to disgust my father - something that will turn him away from Jesse forever. And then I saw the pills Mark was drinking. He explained to me that these are testosterone hormones that help him turn into a man. "That's it!" I thought, and I borrowed a few pills. Each day I used to put one pill into my stepmother's food. It took a few days to see the first results. Jessie's voice changed first. It became deeper and rougher. After that, Jesse got a lot of pimples on her face. And then she complained to me that she had lost her period. But that was not enough for me. I kept inserting pills into her food, hoping that she would be more disgusting to my father. Black hair began to grow on her body, and she became more and more muscular. I was satisfied until one day I broke into the bathroom. Jesse was there. She was sitting in the tub, crying. When she lifted her head, I saw that Jesse had a beard. I was sorry to ruin my stepmother's life, but I was hoping they would divorce. Everything was going according to my plan until that evening when I heard shouts from my parent's room. I thought my parents were arguing, and after hearing the groaning, I thought my stepmother was crying. I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to tell them what I did. Without knocking, I broke into their room. I was shocked to realize that instead of arguing, they made love. I started yelling at them. I told them I didn't understand why they were together when they didn't love each other. I ran to my room and slammed the door and thought to myself “this is crazy.” After a while, my father came in, wanting to talk to me. He told me that he never loved my stepmother, but that he needed someone to replace my mother. Then he admitted that Jesse had never been attractive to him until now! He told me he was attracted to and muscular women. I was shocked. IS MY FATHER GAY?!! In the morning while we were having breakfast (I was grossed out, by the way), my father told me that my real isn’t dead, but that they divorced when I was a baby, because my wouldn’t agree to become a male!! WHAT... All this time I was living a lie?! I got so sick of my father’s stories and decided to find my and live with her. 4 months after searching restlessly for my mom, I finally found her address and decided to visit her. I was so nervous when I arrived at her house, but also happy. Anyway, when I knocked the door... Well, guess who I saw opening the door? Yepp... My own fucking aunt that I haven’t seen for ages. Please, share your comments below, and don’t forget to like this video and subscribe to the channel.
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