
How I Increased My Mining Profits by 10x | Best CPUs for Mining Monero RandomX & Veruscoin

How I Increased My Mining Profits by 10x | Best CPUs for Mining Monero RandomX & Veruscoin I increased my crypto mining profitability by 10x or ten times by learning to CPU mine on Monero RandomX and then mining Veruscoin on their Verushash 2.1 hardfork. Here's how and also the best CPUs for mining cryptocurrency. Subscribe to VoskCoin here -

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It is an interesting time in cryptocurrency mining, because depending on what you're mining, with what hardware, and when, you can potentially have a very profitable mining rig. Monero hardforked to RandomX a CPU only mineable mining algorithm, which has greatly increased interest and profitability in CPU mining. Recently Veruscoin hardforked from Verushash 2.0 to Verushash 2.1, and when this happened only CPU miners were available for their mining algorithm, so it was very profitable, and still is, to be mining Veruscoin with your CPUs. Veruscoin can be GPU mined, same with Monero, but due to their respective mining algorithms it is simply not profitable to do so. In this video I will explain how I increased my mining profitability by 10x, and explain how you can use the same formula to do the same with your passive cryptocurrency mining income. I will also review Monero RandomX CPU mining along with Veruscoin CPU mining. Also note that FPGA miners are certainly coming for the Veruscoin network, and then they arrive CPU mining earnings will decrease, potentially drastically.

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#Monero #RandomX #Veruscoin #Mining #PassiveIncome

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