ExxonMobil is a world leading producer of fuel oil and lubricant oil, and they have multiple production plants in Egypt and definitely a significant presence in the Egyptian Market. Add to this, they have a good working environment, that's continuously seeking change and development, which in turn is reflected on the employees self-development.
The seminar is about ExxonMobil Egypt in general, 5 knowledgeable speakers are sharing their experience with you. They are:
1- Eng. Ahmed Maher, Egypt Cluster Manufacturing Manager 2- Eng. Mahmoud Abdelshafy, Mex LOBP Operations Manager 3- Eng. Mohamed Hussein, Mex SSH&E Supervisor 4- Eng. Magdy Darwish, Mex Maintenance Team Supervisor. 5- Eng Engy _______________________________________________________________ Thanks for watching. :) Visit Us on Facebook:
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