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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
This video I'm going to show you the problem with ignoring what is with manifestation and I'm going to show you exactly what to do instead. This is the thing that makes all the difference and the thing that I think holds so many people in resistance. I'm going to show you exactly what to do.
Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you that of understanding why you should not ignore what is ignore your current reality with manifestation and I'm going to show you exactly what to do instead.
Now, this is the thing, so many people hear this. I think that maybe it's Abraham Hicks and I'm not dogging on Abraham Hicks at all. However, I think I see what they mean. Like vibrationally ignore what's going on. Like don't emotionally react and resist what is.
The way a lot of people interpret that is it's like it's coming from a certain level of consciousness where it's like trying to escape the moment. Ignoring what is ignoring your current reality is actually the exact opposite of raising your vibrational state of consciousness. You know, this is about the more we raise our vibration, the more magical our life becomes.
The thing is is when we are resisting the present moment, what we are saying is I'm going to ignore what's all around here. Because if I can escape and get to somewhere I'm currently not, then I can finally be happy. I can finally be happy. And what happens is many times we have the six scape mentality when it comes to manifestation, when it comes to the reality that we're experiencing.
So the key to this is understanding that we don't want to escape the present moment because by escaping the present moment, we are putting out a level of resistance. We are vibrationally saying this reality is not good enough. I want to be somewhere else and what happens is as time goes on, we will continue to say that over and over again.
Even when we get a certain manifestation that we want, we will vibrationally be saying the same thing. We can't actually allow it to come into our life until we actually become at complete peace with what is understanding that what is is beautiful, what is is something we can learn to observe? What is is not something to actually resist.
Now what a lot of people say to me is that they want to create something in their life and if they could finally get that thing, then they would be happy, which also goes about it in a different way. It's saying, if this, then I can be happy, then I can be in the vibrational state and what happens is when we're trying to is we're trying to escape.
We're trying to chase that feeling and we're trying to chase that emotion. What happens is we're vibrationally saying and putting out resistance, which then think about it, whatever you feel in the present moment, you experience a reality that is equal to that feeling. And if you are ignoring what is resistant, which ignoring in a way is resisting ignoring it, you could say, I mean, I guess from a certain perspective you could say ignoring, just not giving energy to.
I believe that part of the spiritual practice of life is including in what is and where I was going in a second ago. I remember the train of thought that I had. It was sometimes people will say, well, I want to get out of the current job that I'm in. I want to um, get into some other jobs. So what they do is they focus on, uh, maybe some of their job.
They might want to have having a resume going to some of their place. This is the thing though. When we have that intention instead of that, what would be more powerful is doing something that I learned from thinking grow rich, which is more than fill your present space, which means instead of resisting the job you currently have, you had, I remember the last like couple of months I was working my nine to five job before I went and did YouTube full time. What happened was...
Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
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