
An Outside Perspective Inward

An Outside Perspective Inward Don't want to spend all day listening to me talk? Full script in description and pinned comment.
Good luck, citizens.


An Outside Perspective Inward
Hello. My name is Benjamin. This video and all ideas herein, are meant for the sole intention of establishing non-violent peace.

History has a way of repeating itself. In the last decade there has been more recorded instances of civil rebellion than any other ten year period in modern times. This is cause for not only alarms, but action. As Earth enters a decade that decides the fate of most humanity, children in power still refuse to prioritize global ecological requirements over individual sovereign economy. Earth is our home, not some toy to be ravaged by sticky fingers. World War Two was a catalyst to reveal the nature of human desire. Bonds were forged for the preservation of a free society, lest we forget.
I need only one word to accurately describe Trump’s legacy: Asphyxiation; A stranglehold on the lungs of civilization. Each day Trump remains in office, is another foretold disaster. Narrating false positives such as economic prosperity, global relations, and ecological impacts is nothing new from our deceiver in chief. As I’m recording this video, there is still hope for Americans to stand against one of the most evil men in history. Rather than changing a law mandating caged torture for those seeking asylum, Trump shifted blame rather than be humane. Trump would rather people work more for less, politicians and politics to have exploitation, and less regulation for planet killing corporations. Our forefathers seceded from this very tyrannical sacrifice of life over status, yet our arrogance as a country is leading towards global toxicity.
My name is Benjamin Quinton Barnhart. I would like to explain Qanon. First, Q, and Qanon, are separate entities. Q is an individual who seeks peace through truth and transparency. QAnon is a operation tasked with creating a platform for people seeking hope. The FBI classifies this movement as a Domestic Terrorism Threat. With a misinformed megalithic media, any story can be spun. It’s time Q is set straight. Yes, Q promotes civil unrest, disobedience, and a threat to civilization’s defective modern system. However, the underlying truth is not malicious. The homes we’ve built will inevitably crumble beneath the weight of our arrogance, unless we find the humility as a species, to admit our system is fundamentally flawed. Q promotes a world revolution for peace, regardless of country or faith. Those who seek the truth have always encountered opposition that seeks to protect the status quo. Regardless of religious pantheon, peace is the common goal. Carlin once said, “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.” Q promotes this disillusion of any world government that has become criminals of their people. Where those that are proven of murder receive penance for their actions, not encouraged by the so called leader of the free world. Qanon is a fabricated and bastardized attempt to tarnish the threat of an established voice of the people. I will not stand idle as the rat fuck of the millennia seeks to burrow into the core values of what Q of Anonymous stands for. Neither should you.
For those still with me, I must take the time to thank those fighting every day on behalf of our only planet. A special thanks to Greta, and Extinction Rebellion. True strength is standing for what is right, regardless of society’s comfort. Allow me to explain why their fight, is the pretext to the Third World War. Ecology activists are trying to enlighten a planet currently charging towards a preventable culling. Society is blinded by comfortable complicity, arrogantly sacrificing the future of man, for individual status. The truth is simple. Governments are neglecting to protect their people despite constant protests for change. As time goes on, the probability of global famine, water and air toxicity, and environmental disasters increase dramatically. With casualties potentially in the billions by 2040 from ecological impact alone, the greatest of armies will either turn to bones, or more likely, destroy each other in panic and fear.


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