
What is the Best Course to Learn Affiliate Marketing?

What is the Best Course to Learn Affiliate Marketing? Click on the link below to discover the #1 skill to making money with affiliate marketing. What do you think it is?

Hey, today I want to answer the question what is the best course to learn affiliate marketing?

I've been doing affiliate marketing for 10 years and I've made an insane amount of mistakes and wasted tons and tons of time.

What a good course does is shorten that learning curve. What I recommend is learning the most important stuff first when it comes to affiliate marketing.

What is the important stuff you need? Where is 95% of the money in affiliate marketing? It's in the sales funnel. It's in what you do with the list your building.

You could have a list of millions of people, be the best at getting traffic, but if you don't know what to do with that list you will make no money.

Why do you need a list for Lafitte marketing? It's your greatest asset. A list allows you to sale to the same person over and over again.

There really is a lot to this sales funnel and what you do with the list. There is how to get people to open up your messages, how to promote a product, upsales, downsells, how often to send out messages What products should you even promote and much more.

I recommend starting here. Next, is what you are going to sale? I used to sale these supplements where with every sale I made $2 dollars. As you can imagine I probably could of picked something better.

There are products where you can keep 100% of the money and you can earn a few thousand dollars each sale.

How many $2 products do you have to sale to make $4,000 dollars. Sale 2,000 products or just 1 for $4,000? Which sounds easier?

Next up look at who you are going to learn from? You can't really Google experience.

This means that if someone has been doing something for 20 years, that means something. There is value there, they probably tried many things in that time.

Obviously results matter a whole lot as well and this is what you want to look at with training courses.

How long has someone been doing it and what results they have gotten? Also, what results other people have gotten.

Some people are good at things, but they just can't teach it. To sum everything up, I recommend learning the foundation of affiliate marketing.

When choosing the course who is going to be teaching it? How long have they been doing it and what results have they gotten?

You want to work backwards. The last thing you want to learn is traffic. Getting traffic doesn't mean anything if you don't know what to do with it.

The cool thing about traffic is there are tons of ways you can get it.

You might be wondering if I have a recommendation on what course to learn.

There is one person I recommend you check out because he has been doing affiliate marketing for 20 years and he is the best person I know of when it comes to the foundation and that sales funnel. He helped me out a ton and that is why I recommend him.

To view who this person is just click on the link in the description or go to

I hope this video or podcast on what is the best course to learn affiliate marketing was helpful. If it was then please hit the thumbs up button.

Lastly, your thoughts and feedback is always appreciated. Bye for now.

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