
Is Picking the Right Ph.D. Advisor Just as Important as Picking the Right Spouse?! by Dr. Ari Hunter

Is Picking the Right Ph.D. Advisor Just as Important as Picking the Right Spouse?! by Dr. Ari Hunter A little over five years ago I was sitting in my PhD advisors office attempting to decide on whether or not I would join his lab or the neighboring lab right down the hall. The science in the two labs was somewhat similar and I could learn the same techniques in either lab I chose. However, the distinct difference between the two labs was the style of mentorship provided by the respective professors. While sitting there tossing this decision back and forth my (soon to be) PhD advisor stated “Ari, this is a very important decision…almost as important as choosing who your future spouse will be”. I looked at him in disbelief, but five years later I definitely agree.

In this presentation I will tell you how over the span of my graduate career I began to agree with my advisor. I will also describe to you the reasons why selecting a PhD advisor that aligns with your needs and future career goals is one of the most important things you will do in graduate school. After a thorough pitch of this important task, I will give you my tips on how to make a well-informed decision.

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