The microbes living in our microbiota are significant to our mental health, physical health, emotional health and our ability to self-actualize simply because they participate in our human function. Their genes, which outnumber our genes instruct our body function. They help us to digest food, support immune function and participate in the conversation taking place between the mind gut connection.
Often, people think that microbes have all the control over human function. However, we have the ability to participate in the relationship with our microbes. We can actually make it a positive relationship or a negative relationship depending upon our thoughts and action. We have more control than we believe.
First, we need to understand the facts about microbes. This information is foundational to knowing how to manipulate that relationship in favor of desired health and life goals. For example, it is fact that the largest concentration of microbes exist inside the large intestine. Knowing large intestine anatomy in terms of its location and function will improve your chances of learning how to balance your microbe relationship.
Additionally, if you are a person who suffers from gut disorders like ibs, constipation, gas, bloating then you truly want to capitalize on learning the facts presented in this video. And if you are a person who suffers with anxiety, depression, bulimia, laxative abuse or voices in your head, this information will help you. Watch now and make sure to stay tuned for each video in this 4 part series on microbe madness.
Additionally, please listen to my client's interview. She is a software engineer that used to binge and purge consistently. She recovered because we used the power of her microbe relationship. Here interview would prove helpful. Click here to listen (link is case sensitive)
#sagejoya #cleansethemindgutconnection #themindgutconnection #microbes #bacteria #selfactualization #anxiety #depression #motivation #largeintestine #ibs
Self-Administer Abdominal Massage:
How To Make The Original Green Smoothie:
Software Engineer | Binging and Purging:
Schedule A Consultation:
FREE Choose Colonic Enema Guide:
Direct Hydration Benefits:
Why Do Lie To Myself and My Gut:
How To Stop Lying To Myself and My Gut:
Why Is Direct Hydration Important:
What Is The Gut Microbiome:
Where Is The Immune System Located:
Cancer Survivor Interview:
Written Client Reviews:
The Mind-Gut Connection:
The Second Brain:
The Microbiome Solution:
Clear Exit Roadmap ebook:
(case sensitive)
Detox Flow Enema (Exit) Cleanse Kit | Video Education Course:
(case sensitive)
This content in this video is strictly the opinion of Sage Joya and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. If you feel you are having extreme difficulty with your gut health, your are advised to consult with your doctor or qualified health professionals. Sage Joya is not responsible for the choices you make regarding your health condition as a result of the information and educational content she shares from her experiences and that of her clients. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physician before beginning any lifestyle programs that are suggested based on personal or client experience. The choice remains with the viewer or follower at all times. Please take responsibility for your health choices.
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