This is how a casual player can gain rp in platinum division in apex legends ranked mode! This starts our journey from Platinum 3 all the way to Apex Predator. There is a lot to think about while in ranked games in apex legends, and usually you start out as bronze 4, but I have played quite a bit in the past so this is where we start our adventure!
In my honest opinion, while in platinum division in the apex legends ranked mode I will offer you some tips to help you succeed and win more games in ranked. I will end up making a whole video once I get to predator on the tips and tricks I used to rank up from platinum to diamond and so forth.
The main thing to focus on while playing ranked apex legends in the platinum division is playing for placement and worrying about getting your kills after. Placement is the most important thing to shoot for in the apex legends ranked mode on your way to predator because it gives you the most RP along the way.
I would make a video on how to gain a ton of RP in each game of ranked apex legends, but it would offer a lot of the same tips as the ranked mode tips and tricks video that I plan on releasing!
For those of you who don't know, I only play about 2 times a week so ranking up from platinum to diamond is definitely possible if you put a little time into the game. I got all this gameplay in 1 day and also got up to diamond rank in my next video that will be releasing tomorrow!
Songs used in video:
Chill Guitar Flamingo
Lioness (Instrumental)
Eventide - Mezhdunami
Bush Week - Nihilore
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