
Victory Flags - - Declaration|Warning to D.C. Folks

Victory Flags - - Declaration|Warning to D.C. Folks The Washington D.C. Folks are not exactly cooperating with Mother's Stand-down order, and the 48-hour notice has been given. So who/what is next? Here's that info.

Source of Airplane Pic: Flags as Victory Markings , Also This Link for Pic

(1) Tom’s Book:
“Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation” by Tom Price

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(3) PLAYLIST: Lightworker Training #1 (Purple Orb & More)
(3) Lightworker Playlist 2 (Understanding Event)
(4) PLAYLIST: Getting America Back

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Key Words: QTZ1299 Universal Mother Divinity, The Resistance, Nibiru, Planet X, Hawaii Volcano, Alaska Quake, ETs, The Storm, Trumps Storm, Constitutional Republic, September 23, Sept 23, Whats happening on September 23rd, What Will Happen 23rd of September 2017, Mark Taylor, Mark of the Beast, the antichrist, UFOs, UFOs are helping us, living in the heart, being in the heart, Revelations, The Book of Revelation, the End Times, End of the Mayan Calendar. The Rapture, The End of Time, religion, Jesus, Satan, Satan Removed, Lucifer, Lucifer Worship, Christianity, Antichrist, Anti-Christ, The Jews, Khazarian Mafia, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. The Global currency Reset, Network of Corporate Control, A New Republic via a GCR, GCR, Global Reset, Currency Reset

Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012, David Wilcock, Cobra, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock, Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, Alex Jones, disclosure, Geoengineering,

***** Sources **************
(1) Tom’s Book:
“Getting Aligned for the Planetary Transformation” by Tom Price

Cobra,Universal Mother,The Portal,Allison Coe,NIbiru,The Rapture,the Event,Tom Price,Draining the Swamp,Global Currency Reset,Ascension,Destroying the Illusion,Wormwood,The Event has Begun,The Positive Side of 2012,Event NEWS,The Resistance,the 144,The A Team,The Secret Space Program,The Magnificent 7,Galactic Most Wanted,Galactics Most Wanted,QTZ1300,Bernie Sanders Death,Elijah Cummings Death,Jeffrey Epstein Death,Victory Flags,

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