
The most useful tool we can use to accomplish our goals?

The most useful tool we can use to accomplish our goals?

External motivation is needed at times when we lose focus or lack clarity - however - the most superior motivation comes from one's self. This is why it is of the utmost importance to cultivate Faith. Faith in a process you have not yet mastered. Faith in the untested, unexplored aspects of one's own self. Faith in self is not an easy undertaking but without this faith, you will always feel insignificant.

Faith in one's self does not exclude our belief in a higher power; in fact, it is our faith in a higher power that grants us the authority to have faith in ourselves. We are made in the image and likeness of God; in other words, we are creators - and as creators, we have the creative power to accomplish whatever we are capable of imagining.

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Love, Light, Life
Patrice Elliott


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