
Hazrat Muhammad SAWW Says: Eat Eggs For Men Power - Benefits Of Desi Eggs Urdu Hindi || Urdu Lab

Hazrat Muhammad SAWW Says: Eat Eggs For Men Power - Benefits Of Desi Eggs Urdu Hindi || Urdu Lab Eggs are blessing of Allah S.T for being an amazing and versatile food. They are among the very few foods that are regarded as super foods for the reason that they are loaded with nutrients, some of which are not available in our modern diet.

Islam has allowed the eating of certain types of bird’s eggs; however, chicken eggs are the best of all because of their easy availability and diversified health advantages. It is good to eat them in breakfast and it is also preferred to consume them in half boiled state as it reaps more health benefits.

Hen Eggs carry a lot of health benefits; I am listing down few egg benefits.

1. Egg is a Powerhouse

Eggs are protein which are why they are a source of strength and energy, and are therefore is a cure for weakness.

“It is reported of the Prophet that someone came to him and complained about weakness and Prophet ordered him eat eggs”. [Reported in Al-Bayhaqi in Sh’ab-ul-Ayman]


Eggs contain all the daily intake of vitamins and minerals that are needed to produce energy in all the cells of the body. Researchers have also found that the high quality of protein within eggs keeps a person energized and fulfills the demands of essential fiber.

Eggs contain significant contents of lutein and zeaxanthin which help to prevent macular degeneration, an eye condition which is the leading cause of age-related blindness. Several other vitamins also promote healthy vision and keeps eyesight capable to sustain with the growing age.


Eggs enhance the efficiency of heart and keep our heart beating healthier and longer. Eggs have a great ability to reduce the risk of heart diseases and improve cardiovascular functions.

In addition to the lowering of blood triglycerides, eggs have been observed in clinical trials to regulate cholesterol absorption and inflammation in the bloodstream which also helps to lower the risk of coronary heart disease.


Researchers have revealed that the liver health is directly related to choline levels. Choline deficiency is the actual cause of poor liver function, which may lead to cancerous infections. Eggs keep the levels of choline up, lowering the chances of liver abnormalities and thus keep it fit.


The lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs don’t just protect our eyes by filtering certain light wavelengths, they do the same with our skin. By filtering out the more harmful blue spectrum rays, these carotenoids slow down the oxidative damage light can wreak on your skin, specifically by UV rays.

Eggs contain five of the eight best nutrients that help you to fight and reduce your risk of skin cancer. If you have a risk for skin cancer, eggs can be one of the weapons you use to prevent it happening to you.


Eggs are a natural source of Vitamin D, which is an essential nutrient for calcium absorption and bone health. Eggs can play an important role in the prevention of osteoporosis and other bone related disorders.


The high content of sulphur containing amino acids and wide range of vitamins and minerals present in eggs also promote the health and strength of our hair and nails

Many people report faster growing hair after adding eggs to their diet, especially if they were previously deficient in foods containing zinc, sulphur, vitamin B12 and vitamin A.


Eggs are rich in protein and must not be consumed with other protein rich foods. Our beloved Prophet forbade the eating of eggs of with fish as the mixing is a trigger of various diseases.

A lot of health problems today are a cause of impropriate eating habits. People often ignore or overlook the mandatory health instructions regarding the mixing of foods. Tibb provides the best and healthiest way of enjoying foods, therefore we must follow the directions of Our Beloved Prophet to stay healthy and live life to the fullest.

Hazrat Muhammad SAWW Says: Eat Eggs For Men Power - Benefits Of Desi Eggs Urdu Hindi || Urdu Lab


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