
Mig-17 Afterburner LED - Flicker setup

Mig-17 Afterburner LED - Flicker setup Many Russian early Mig's have Afterburner that 'flicker' all the time - rather than remain a constant good burn. So I modified my Afterburner code to do a flicker instead of a solid glow, as per more modern jets have.

Annoyingly the Russian jets (Migs etc) also tend to have a bit of a more constant BLUE flame, with that Orangey-Yellow flickering portion. I have not tested making that LED total yet, and I do not think an RGB LED can do it either. It would possibly need TWO LEDs...a Blue and a Yellow/Amber, because the Blue light source (flame) needs to be solid almost all the time anyway. Though there is a chance that an RGB LED could do an acceptable job - I have to set that up and test it.
If it does work that way then it would be an easy task to change the LED from plain Yellow to the RGB version.

The Arduino unit driving this, can also have other coding such as a LED Lighting controller - for a flashing strobe, if required. And also can have Landing Gear Sequencer functionality included in it also. I have done a little bit of that coding, but in no rush to complete that.
In the Mig these extra functions would be of good use as the stock sequencer is pretty so-so, plus does the Gear Doors operate in an incorrect manner anyway.

This test unit is using an Arduino Nano - costing about AUD$4. It also has a LED voltage regulator that costs AUD$3. The 10W LED costs AUD $3. So the total cost of all parts is just AUD $10.
The motor cone is 3D Printed for about AUD 0.50c of PLA filament.

I will probably make it using an Attiny85 board as they are smaller and cheaper (AUD $2-30) and have all the processing functionality required anyway.

Note that the Light LEAKAGE of the Mig-17 Fuselage in areas around the tail end is a LOT !! Lots of areas starting from the EDF to the very tail end! It will definitely need some aluminium foil, or foil tape, put inside the ducting to block light showing through.


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