
Luke Lenzner after being asked to leave The Vern, Portland OR 08.23.2019

Luke Lenzner after being asked to leave The Vern, Portland OR 08.23.2019 I was at the Vern with my friends Friday night, 08/23/2019, when Like walked in wearing a MAGA hat. Immediately the vibe shifted to something more than uncomfortable. I noticed Luke, I've just learned his name, while I was ordering a drink. He walked in with a chip on his shoulder, and was eyeing just about everyone in the general area. I noticed the hat and the fact that he was checking his wrist watch on the underside of his arm, figured he was ex military and tried to pay him no mind. I alerted my friends I was with as in the past people wearing these hats have been known to start trouble. We all agreed to keep our calm and figured he was out looking for a fight, as is the main tactic of these kinds of groups. After what I would would say was 20 minutes me and my friends decided to leave the bar. As a group of us were closing out all hell broke loose. From my stand point it appeared that he was asked to leave by the bar staff because he was making other customers uncomfortable. That's when he stood up, and he's not a small man...if I had to guess 6'2" 220lbs, and started yelling at people. He hurled insults and was asked to leave several times. He tried knock a hat off of a friend next to me, he looked at us and screamed "I'll be out side, fight me!" repeatedly. He was out looking stop stir things up, and stir he did. He called us "draft dodgers" and pussies amongst other things. We continued to ask him to leave and he retorted with insults and constantly stating that he served his country. I have nothing against Vets, and was worried he might be having PTSD and would become even more violent. He finally left after close to 5 minutes of shouting. After which most at the bar were afraid to leave fearing he might be carrying, or that other I'll gate would meet us outside of those doors. After 10 minutes we left to go elsewhere when we noticed him pacing the block. We alerted bar staff and left the area. Also note that his wife pushed her way past me without a word, kneeing me in the back of the leg and, what I'm assuming, shouldered me on her way out. This all happened before he continued to the Tap House on Hawthorne were the incident in question took place.


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