Alawiiiz explaining how life can be productive and progressive for all of us, if we followed our goals in life and what a better example than his career of following his dream of practicing English on daily basis and using his English language to speak daily.
Hello people, my name is Ali Najm. I'm from Basra,Iraq. Welcome to my journey of making my ENGLISH LANGUAGE AS A LIFESTYLE. buckle up and let me make your English language as a lifestyle too.
مرحبا أيها الناس. اسمي علي نجم من محافظة البصرة،العراق. أهلا وسهلا بيكم في رحلتي لجعل لغتي الانجليزية كأسلوب للحياة. أربطوا أحزمة الامان ودعوني أجعل لغتكم الانجليزية كأسلوب للحياة أيضا.
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