Stock market crashes always bring to fear, uncertainty and even panic. However, you can't know the future, the scenarios, the outlook nor the actions Central banks will take. So, as investors, we have to focus on what we can know, which is stock market fundamentals, long-term outlooks and common sense.
Want to know more about my research and portfolios? Here is my independent stock market analysis and research! STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)
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I am also a book author:
Modern Value Investing book:
Check my website to hear more about me, read my analyses and about OUR charity. (YouTube ad money is donated)
Listen to Modern Value Investing Podcast:
I am also learning a lot by interning with my mentors: dr. Per Jenster and Peter Barklin at the Niche Masters fund.
#stockmarket #stockmarketnews #stockmarketcrash
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