-you give them anything, they’re capable of suffering it .
-you give them nothing – they’ll make enormous suffering out of it.
-you’re suffering your memory, your suffering your imagination. you're not suffering life.
-we have an exquisite memory of every experience that has happened in our lives and we have an exquisite imagination to project into the future and make attempts to create that imagination.
-these are the two things you’re suffering.
-memory does not mean just your conscious memory. in yoga we look at human memory as 8 different dimensions.
-if your body becomes pleasant, we call this health. if it becomes very pleasant we call it pleasure.
-if your mind becomes pleasant we call it peace. if it becomes very pleasant we call it joy.
- if your emotions become pleasant we call this love. if it becomes very pleasant we call it compassion,
-if your surroundings become pleasant we call it success.
-to enjoy your walk on the street, at least you must be peaceful
-even if God comes and says something to you, unless it makes logical sense to you you’re not going to do it .already you becoming like this, but still you’re little afraid, you’re still God-fearing, but in another 25 to 50 years you will see nobody in this world is willing to do anything unless it makes sense to them. when this happens, heaven will collapse, but human longing to experience something more will not go away.
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