
I Lied To My Blind Bestie About Who Her Bf Really Was

I Lied To My Blind Bestie About Who Her Bf Really Was Hi everyone, I'm Nika, I'm 23 years old. This is Samantha, my best friend. Now, she looks just like Robinson Crusoe, who lived on a deserted island. She has dirty hair and torn clothes. Unfortunately, it's all my fault that she is in this state. But let's go back to the beginning.
Samantha and I have been friends since junior high and we have always had a good relationship. Samantha was like a battery that never ran out. She never sat still and was constantly in motion. Plus, she was incredibly beautiful, and half of all the guys in school and college were in love with her. I always liked being around her because I got a lot of attention, too. But it was not a one-sided relationship. Samantha valued me, and she said that all these guys weren't worth even one half of me. Unfortunately, her life has changed a lot, and as a consequence, so has mine. One photographer offered Samantha a chance to be in an unusual photoshoot. Samantha dressed up in a chic evening dress and we went to an abandoned building. This idea was interesting, and the pictures turned out really cool. But then Samantha wanted to take a picture on the roof. She posed right on the edge and got into some really dangerous positions. Suddenly, she lost her balance, and... She fell down. For a couple of seconds, the photographer and I just stood in complete shock. Then we raced down. Thank God the building wasn't tall, and she hadn't broken anything. But she hit her head really hard and she had to be taken to the hospital.

The doctors did all the necessary tests and it turns out that Samantha was very lucky, she only had a concussion. I mean, she could have broken every bone in her body, or even died. She was prescribed some medication and ordered to stay on bed rest. For a few days, I was with Samantha all the time to help her with household chores while she was recovering. Everything seemed to be alright, but after a while, she began to notice that her vision was deteriorating. I was very scared for her and literally dragged her to the doctor. His diagnosis was disappointing. Samantha had something wrong with her optic nerves and needed surgery. But the fact is, she flatly refused to get it. She was very scared, and no one could convince her to do the surgery, even under the threat of complete loss of vision. And soon it happened. Samantha wore glasses for weeks, and she felt fine. But one morning she was in the shower and she didn't see that the floor was wet. So she slipped and fell. And she hit her head again. She was able to call me and ask for help and I rushed as fast as I could and took her to the hospital again, but the injury was already irreversible. We sat together in the ward and cried. That day, Samantha completely lost her sight.

Samantha had no family, so only I could help her. And from that moment on, I moved into Samantha's house, and I helped her with everything. Oh, it was incredibly hard. She literally had to learn to live another way and acquire new skills to live in this world. Walking was a challenge. And forget about reading. The alphabet for the blind was especially difficult for her, and she'd just drop her hands and get frustrated when trying to learn it. She eventually fell into a deep depression. Samantha only left her room a couple of times a day to eat. The rest of the time she was just lying there and listening to music. I almost always heard a soft cry. It wasn't easy for me either. A lot of responsibilities fell on my shoulders, I looked after the house, cleaned, cooked, helped Samantha get dressed, and so much more. I was very sad to see my friend wither like a flower. And I felt guilty about it. If I'd been more persistent, I could have talked her into the surgery, and everything would have been fine. So I was constantly looking for ways to cheer her up. And once, I decided that a little male attention might give her a positive charge. So I registered her on a dating site, and we started looking for candidates.

Yes, she may have lost her sight, but she was still a very beautiful girl, and guys almost immediately started attacking us with their applications. One of the guys wrote a long letter in which he said that, despite the fact that Samantha had no vision, she could still see his inner world, and he really wanted to open it up to her. Aaaaaah, so cute! That one got us, and we set a day for a date. The next morning we began preparations. I took my friend to the mall and we bought her a beautiful dress, then she got a new hairstyle and professional makeup. Wow, she was literally heartbreaking!

New 2020 true story animated that actually happened!




Music by Epidemic Sound:

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