Hey what's up you guys! In today's video we're talking about how to find alignment in contrast. How to find alignment when things are looking rough. How to find alignment when things are falling apart. How to find alignment when nothing makes sense. There is always going to be contrast, but I'm here to tell you that your inner being wanted to experience this contrast for learning purpose and for an intense journey.
In this video you will learn exactly what it means to be in alignment, and how and why thats actually one of the most powerful things to do when things are in contrast, when things seem like they are out of balance or falling apart. You have an inner being and a divine intuition which always knows what is best for you. When things appear they are happening TO you and everything is falling apart, usually you are breaking down old belbelief systems and making a quantum shift in vibration. Essentially, things are happening FOR you and they are actually falling together.
Even I have been going through an experience lately that didn't sit well with me, but with these five tips I'm about to share with you, I was able to find alignment even when what was happening on the outside seemed like it was failing me. Through these techniques, you can find alignment no matter what is happening on your outside and that's actually the most powerful way to recreate whats happening on the outside. To attract new circumstances on your outer reality. This is the law of attraction at it's best. Getting to the core essense of how it actually works.
This is how to find alignment in contrast and this WILL inspire you and give you many new ideas and new approaches to not only handle the current situation you are in, but you can forevermore use these techniques to create your reality and manifest the reality that you prefer to live and be in, and essentially manifest anything you want into your experience.
Each of us are on our own soul's mission , journey and purpose and when you get clear on who you actually are at a soul and core level, you move into alignment .For some this is easier said than done, others it's a piece of cake. It can be easy for you too.
All we need to do is become aware of the story that we tell ourselves each and every day, become aware of the beliefs in which we have on autopilot, change our self image to which we are creating out of each and every da creating our experience. Become aware of all of this and follow these 5 steps and you will know exactly how to find alignment in contrast.
Stay tuned until the end for a special technique that I wasn't goign to reveal for manifesting when things are looking rough, when things are in contrast.
How To Find Alignment In Contrast (Inspiring)
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