Hi guys!!! This is new simple aquascape for my fancy guppies. I hope you'll like it :)
Aquarium 43x31x27h (cm)
Stand 43x31x78h (cm)
Filtration Canister Filter Atman EF1
Lighting Chichiros LED 24W 8000K (6 hours per day,set on level 5)
Heater 25wCO2 none
Hardscape Red Moor Wood and Sand (of brand)
Fertilisers Tropica Specialised Fertiliser,Easy Life Easy Carbo
Fish Moscow Scarlet Guppy,Bristlenose pleco
Shrimp Amano Shrimp
Plants Microsorum Pteropus,Anubias var Nana,Hydrocotyle Tripartita,Weeping Moss,Lemna Minor
Music in the video: Marlboro lite and Whaling city
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