
You Can Have a Designer, BUT it Mustn't Be GOD of the Bible. Expelled - Intelligence Not Allowed.

You Can Have a Designer, BUT it Mustn't Be GOD of the Bible. Expelled - Intelligence Not Allowed. In 2008 the documentary ‘Expelled - Intelligence Not Allowed’ was released and widely viewed. Ben Stein is a political commentator, lawyer, comedian and speechwriter for U.S presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He posed the argument that intelligent design and evolution are both valid scientific explanations for the development of life on earth, and that institutions that don’t embrace both views are guilty of stifling academic freedom. As a Jewish man Ben follows how the theory of evolution leads to eugenics and Hitler’s policy for the disabled and inferior races in his quest for a perfect race, World War II. In this clip Ben Stein interviews Richard Dawkins about the theory of evolution and intelligent design. Richard accepts that the complexity of this world points to a designer, BUT that designer MUST NOT be the God of the Bible, because like Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell these influential men have an agenda. The Theory of Evolution creates a false lineage of life to mask the fact of created kinds that the fossil record proves. The full documentary is still available and a must see!!!

Ben Stein,Richard Dawkins,Expelled - Intelligence Not Allowed,biblicaltours,creation evidence,Natural History Museum Tours,Darwinian Evolution,Eugenics,Holocaust,Bible,Richard Nixon,Gerald Ford,

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