
Why you should stop smoking?

Why you should stop smoking? Why you should stop smoking
Smoking is bad for you, but why does quitting make life better?

When a person stops smoking they have more cash, £2,000 extra every year for a person smoking 20 a day. They are more appealing to the opposite sex. Men are less likely to have problems with erections. Women tend to be more fertile. Skin will age more slowly and teeth will be whiter.

Breathe easier
People breathe more easily and cough less when they stop smoking. It is unusual for non-smokers to get short of breath doing simple tasks at any age. Life-long smokers are often breathless. Within 9 months of stopping smoking the lungs work better. Stopping smoking may make the difference between a healthy active old age and one dogged by breathing problems.

Live longer
It's common knowledge that smokers die younger. A man of 30 who gives up smoking will live on average 10 years longer. It does not matter at what age smoking is stopped it will always improve the chances of a longer life.

Health risks of smoking
Smoking causes about 90% of all lung cancers. Smoking can also cause cancer in the mouth, lips, throat, voice box (larynx), oesophagus, bladder, kidney, liver, stomach, and pancreas. Smoking also damages your heart and your blood circulation increasing the risk of coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Lungs can also be damaged causing bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumonia. The risks are increased in people who have chronic diseases such as diabetes. Children are adversely affected by exposure to cigarette smoke.

Be more relaxed
Studies show that smokers are more stressed. They spend much of their time craving cigarettes and the relief they get from smoking is only short lived.

Do it for yourself
Stopping smoking produces a sense of achievement and well-being. People who give up often say food tastes better and that they have more energy.

So, if you want to be richer, healthier, live longer, be more relaxed, and have a better quality of life, you should stop smoking as soon as you can.

If you smoke, giving up is probably the greatest single step you can take to improve your health. Do it now!

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