
TMZ Harvey Levin Can't Understand That Mental Illness Causes Increased Homelessness & Mass Shootings

TMZ Harvey Levin Can't Understand That Mental Illness Causes Increased Homelessness & Mass Shootings Homelessness has DOUBLED in California in just 2 years under Gavin Newsom #recallgavin Harvey Levin from TMZ filled in on KFI AM640 for John & Ken and couldn't put together the fact that we have increased homeless people increased homelessness, increased mass shootings, increased mass killings, increased suicides, and it's because we have a mental health issue that Democrats refuse to accept. Democrat's answer for everything is less guns and free everything for homeless people and Orange Man Bad and blame Trump. So you give a crazy homeless person a house, then what? They destroy it and you have to take more tax payer dollars to rebuild it for the next crazy person to live in? WTF?! Democrats are so fucking retarded. #TMZ #harveylevin Gun Violence is nowhere near what you think it is. Crime is down under Trump. Unemployment is down under Trump. Homelessness & anti-Semitic crime is only up in DEMOCRAT districts. More Jews are killed by Democrats than by Republicans.


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