
Trivia Quiz : Can you score 6|10 or higher?

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Question 1 : Who might use a squeegee?
Answer a: Auditor
Answer b: IT Consultant
Answer c: Plumber
Answer d: Window Cleaner

Question 2 : Which of these is a type of bird?
Answer a: Chipmunk
Answer b: Finch
Answer c: Hamster
Answer d: Jerboa

Question 3 : Hamburgers and Frankfurters are foods named after cities in which country?
Answer a: Austria
Answer b: Germany
Answer c: Poland
Answer d: Sweden

Question 4 : In what U.S. city can you go for a walk in the Golden Gate Park?
Answer a: Las Vegas
Answer b: Los Angeles
Answer c: San Francisco
Answer d: Seattle

Question 5 : A small confectionery or savory appetizer is known as a what?
Answer a: Petit four
Answer b: Petit three
Answer c: Petit two
Answer d: Petit one

Question 6 : Which is not a real type of squirrel?
Answer a: Black squirrel
Answer b: Indigo squirrel
Answer c: Red squirrel
Answer d: Yellow ground squirrel

Question 7 : Kim Basinger and Brittany Murphy star in which film with rapper Eminem?
Answer a: 8 Mile
Answer b: Green Mile
Answer c: Saving Private Ryan
Answer d: The Last Samurai

Question 8 : What is the largest state of North America?
Answer a: Alaska
Answer b: Montana
Answer c: Texas
Answer d: Washington

Question 9 : How many awards did Justin Bieber win at the 2016 American Music Awards?
Answer a: 2
Answer b: 4
Answer c: 6
Answer d: 8

Question 10 : Montezuma Castle National Monument are cliff dwellings that date back to what year?
Answer a: 100AD
Answer b: 1400AD
Answer c: 1900AD
Answer d: 2000AD

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