
Monkey Meets A Skunk! (Exotic Pet Ownership)

Monkey Meets A Skunk! (Exotic Pet Ownership) Capuchin MonkeyBoo meets a very cute and snuggly skunk! Trixie the skunk is adorable and MonkeyBoo has no problem saying hello to her. Pete and Kelly also take some time to discuss exotic pet ownership and some of the things that come along with it.
Watch in smooth fashion as MonkeyBoo trades his pet human for a little snuggle time with Kelly from C.A.R.E. Foundation…. MonkeyBoo loves the ladies!
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Capuchin monkey,pet monkey,MonkeyBoo,owning a monkey,exotic pet ownership,buying a monkey,animal interaction,cute skunk,cute monkey,cute monkey videos,cute animal videos,animal education videos,trained monkey,happy monkey,curious monkey,capuchin,monkey snuggles,sweet monkey,boo the monkey,how to get a monkey,exotic pet advice,ball python,animal sanctuary,C.A.R.E Foundation,animal friends #monkeyboocrew,baby skunk,pet skunk,lol,

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